Killer Chest & Back Workout

Want to make the absolute most of your workout to build the classic full chest, bigger and broader upper body, and “V” taper shred? Than you have to give this workout a go! With its combination of heavy lifting, high volume, drop sets, compound and supersets, you’ll be sure to leave the gym totally shot, sore, and satisfied! Not to mention it’s two of the greatest muscle groups to work (in my opinion). Chest and back!

The workout starts with a heavy chest focus with compound and isolation movements! Then when you are feeling fried, we’ll start super setting some heavy back exercises in to finish off and completely dominate your session! But one quick peace of advice before we get started; like any other workout, don’t go into the gym to just half ass it! Get some good nutrition in before hitting this workout, and your mind in gear, or it will hit you back harder than you can hit it! So crank up your music, keep your focus, and kill this workout! It’s game time!

Exercise 1 – Compound Set

Flat Bench Press

Plate Loaded Chest Press

– Bench Press: 6 -8 Reps

– Incline Plate Loaded Press 10 – 12 Reps

4 Total Sets

Rest time: 90 Seconds between each full set

Here is where you are going to set the tempo for your workout! In your first couple sets. So get in gear, and start it off right! We’re going heavy for the bench press, then slightly lighter for incline plate loaded press. Pick a weight that will have you hitting failure at these specific rep ranges. If you’re falling short, let go of the ego, and get your weights right! Random people in the gym really aren’t watching, or even care how much weight your lifting. And if you’re sacrificing overall volume to lift a weight that is too heavy, you could be falling short by hundreds of pounds when it comes to total workout volume (Weight X Reps X Sets). Complete all 4 sets with determination! Be sure to hit full range on each exercises, and if you want to make it even more difficult, hold a small pause at the bottom of each rep on the incline press.

Exercise 2 – Compound Set

Pec Deck Fly

Flat Chest Press

– Flat Dumbbell Chest Press: 6 – 8 Reps-

– Pec Deck Fly Machine: 12 Reps

4 Total Sets

Rest time: 90 Seconds between each full set

Here is where your going to really start really feeling the cross over from the pump to burning sensation! That’s good! Embrace it! You’re doing something you haven’t accomplished too often! Whether you feel this in almost all your workouts or not, you should be getting this feeling because you are pushing harder than you did last session. And if that’s not your goal, then you need to check in with yourself, and know your purpose for coming to the gym! Again, pick a weight that has you hitting failure at these specific rep ranges, and keeping good form. When performing the chest press, focus on the slight stretch at the bottom of each rep, and contracting (squeezing) your pecs at the top! Same with the flys. Slight stretch when you come back, pinching the shoulder blades, then isolating the chest as you come forward for the concentric phase. Keep just a very slight bend in your elbows and reach forward at the peak of each rep (when the weight is highest). Remember, the closer your elbows come together at the peak of the rep the more contraction you’re doing with your chest!

Exercise 3 – Drop Set

Chest Dips

Weigthed Dips

– Weighted Dips: 8 Reps

– Dips: 12 Reps (To failure)

4 Total Sets

Rest time: 90 Seconds between each full set

Here’s your final fully focused chest exercise. So make it count! For the weighted dips, use a belt to hook up your weight, and keep form in mind on every rep! Lean slightly forward to emphasize more isolation on the chest rather than the triceps. Drop down enough to where your shoulders come down just below elbow height, then contract the chest as you press up to the top. Flex the chest when reach the top for just a second, then go for the next rep. After you hit 8 reps, immediately take off the weight, and burn out with 12 body weight dips. By the end of these 4 sets, you should have what feels like nothing left in the tank for chest! So we’re going to back for a little bit.

Exercise 4 – Drop Set

Pull Ups

Wide Grip Pull Ups

– Weighted Pull Ups: 6 Reps

– Pull Up Negatives (Drop Downs): 6 Reps

4 Total Sets

Rest time: 90 Seconds between each full set

So now it’s time to start hitting up the back! And since where not doing too many exercises for back, we have to go hard one the sets we are doing! That’s why I incorporated one of the greatest back building exercises first! Weighted pull ups, followed immediately by pull up negatives. Try to use the same weight that you did for the dips. If you can’t do weighted pull ups, just do as many regular pull ups as you can. Then, with the same weight (whether you used a weight, or just your body weight) you are going to perform the pull up negatives. For this, simply step up on a step or small platform to jump up to the top/highest point of the pull up. Then slowly lower your self down for 5 seconds. Then jump right back up for the next rep. Complete all reps, then you can take the 90 second rest. When you’ve earned it. Remember to keep good form on each rep. Think of pulling your upper chest to the bar, and contract your shoulder blades, while still keeping your tight. Even your lower back. At the bottom of each rep, you should come low enough to feel a stretch in your lats.

Exercise 5 – Superset

– Bent Over Barbell Rows: 12 Reps

– Chest Press Machine: 12 Reps

3 Total Sets

Rest time: 30 Seconds between each full set

By now you should be totally exhausted, chest aching, back burning, and ready to finish this! So lets kill it with a final superset! Starting with back, perform a bent over barbell row for 12 reps, immediately followed by the chest press machine for 12 reps. Since we are working opposing muscle groups, there is not as much rest time needed. As you are working chest, your back is resting, and vice versa. By the time you finish your sets, you should barely be able to get the weight up any more! That’s when you know you’ve given your all! It was a great workout, and you fought hard to get through it! Now make the most of it, and get a good post workout meal, and relax for a bit. You might need it.

For more workouts, and/or nutrition plans, feel free to check out more on my website, or contact me directly via email, at

Below is an outline of the full workout to make it easy to follow

Exercise 1 – Compound Set

Bench Press: 6 -8 Reps

Incline Plate Loaded Press 10 – 12 Reps

4 Total Sets

Rest time: 90 Seconds between each full set

Exercise 2 – Compound Set

Flat Dumbbell Chest Press: 6 – 8 Reps

Pec Deck Fly Machine: 12 Reps

4 Total Sets

Rest time: 90 Seconds between each full set

Exercise 3 – Drop Set

Weighted Dips: 8 Reps

Dips: 12 Reps (To failure)

4 Total Sets

Rest time: 90 Seconds between each full set

Exercise 4 – Drop Set

Weighted Pull Ups: 6 Reps

Pull Up Negatives (Drop Downs): 6 Reps

4 Total Sets

Rest time: 90 Seconds between each full set

Exercise 5 – Superset

Bent Over Barbell Rows: 12 Reps

Chest Press Machine: 12 Reps

3 Total Sets

Rest time: 30 Seconds between each full set

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